What’s New in my Garden: October 2014

The garden is full and beginning to produce! Below are some pictures from my garden over the past couple of weeks.

The garden in October 2014

The garden in October 2014

The picture to the left is a view of some of my garden beds. The plants you see are dry beans, which I am growing during the last months of the hot, rainy season. These are almost finished and are beginning to dry. Once dry, I will remove the plants and put in the “winter” (cool season) vegetables.

Pinto beans

Pinto beans


To the right is a picture of the “cranberry” variety of pinto beans, which are beginning to dry on the plant and will soon be harvested.



Harvesting pole beans from a ladder


Besides the dry beans, I am also growing and harvesting string beans. I have two varieties- the Kentucky Wonder (which I am selling seeds of in the General Store link) and Royal Burgundy. The Kentucky Wonder are indeed a wonder. These are a pole bean that climb and are heavy producers. I planted them alongside bamboo poles and let them climb. The plants topped out at 12 feet tall and still wanted to reach higher! I have to harvest them on a ladder. The Royal Burgundy bean are a bush type.

Kentucky wonder string beans

Kentucky Wonder string beans

Royal Burgundy string bean

Royal Burgundy string beans







Butternut squash

Butternut squash

Besides the beans, I am also harvesting butternut squash. These are wonderful and I hope to get a second planting of them in this fall.





A few other things in the garden beds are the newly-transplanted tomatoes, turnips, carrots, burdock, cabbage, cucumbers and fennel. Besides the stuff in the garden beds, I also have some vegetables and herbs in containers. These include four types of basil, cilantro, sage, tarragon and many other kinds of herbs. There are also lettuces and sweet potatoes (growing in a broken wheel barrel).



Sweet potatoes in wheel barrel

Sweet potatoes in wheel barrel









Check back again next month to see what I am growing.

Click here to view past updates.