When I look back through my life and consider all of the things that have brought me joy and happiness, I realize that it wasn’t the extravagant experiences that most carried me through life, it was the simple things.
Some of these simple things can come from the work of your own hand. Things like the appearance of the first seedlings after you have planted your garden, harvesting your first produce and sharing your bounty so others can enjoy it. Sometimes it is in finding that your many years of patience and guidance towards your children has helped them avoid foolish mistakes.
Some of these simple things come from the most unexpected places. The beauty of a cloudless winter day with sun’s low angles and the deep, royal blue of the sky. They are cheery without the garishness and harshness of summer heat. The taste of a cup of tea that brings back fond memories of time long ago. Reuniting with an old friend and finding that your love for each other has remained unchanged through time. Sneaking a look at the cuteness on my spouse’s face. I find these simple things every day and am only now beginning to fully realized just how important they are to my happiness.
In a modern society that hypes the new and the grand, it is easy to come away feeling tired and unhappy. Many of the messages in advertising and news stories seem to say that we are not happy enough. I find that when I take my eyes away from those distractions and look at the simple things around me and the simple things that I have experienced in my life, there is much more joy and happiness here than I could ever have imagined.