Measuring Food Sustainability
And the Benefits of Urban Agriculture
In contrast to Just One Backyard, Dr. Z’s second book on urban agriculture and food sustainability takes a more academic and scholarly approach to the subject.
This book describes agriculture and sustainability in the context of the urban setting, referencing the social, economic and environmental aspects. Then, using a 5-year case study conducted in a small-scale urban food producing operation, the book describes and demonstrates how to measure the many tangible and intangible benefits from urban agriculture. Besides examining the small-scale effects produced by the food growing operation, the book also explores the large-scale effects at the foodshed and metropolitan level. This book is a uniquely valuable asset to courses in sustainability, sustainable agriculture, urban agriculture, urban planning and food systems. It has been written for both the academic and community leadership audience, especially those who want to understand just how beneficial a proposed or existing urban agriculture project is.
For more information about this book, including a look at the Table of Contents and how to obtain a copy, click here.
Just One Backyard:
One Man’s Search For Food Sustainability
A timeless story that is destined to become one of the most beloved books on the importance of our urban food gardens.
Winner of Writers Digest’s 1st Place Award for Self-Published Nonfiction (e-book, 2015), Just One Backyard: One Man’s Search for Food Sustainability is an entertaining and enlightening tale of how Dr. Zahina-Ramos turned his urban residential backyard into a study to measure the many benefits of urban agriculture. This is no dry lecture based on puffed-up rhetoric. Rather, it is a heartwarming blend of storytelling and scientific facts that any novice can appreciate and enjoy. The first half of the book takes the reader on a thoughtfully told journey through the history of food growing, from ancient times through the 21th century, describing how our food supply has become dominated by an industrialized production system that is dependent on unsustainable practices and harms the environment. By drawing upon historical fact, his family’s experiences, and stories told to him by food gardeners around the world, its eloquent message remains fresh to the end. The second half of the book gets down to the nitty-gritty of what sustainable food growing is and the numerous benefits it can give. Several chapters describe the social, environmental, ecological and economic benefits of urban agriculture in a way that has never been possible before- with real numbers, rather than broad generalizations. Even though the current unsustainable food system is fraught with problems, Dr. Z lays out solutions that can provide for the needs of the 21st century. The result is inspirational and empowering. This timeless work is destined to become the foremost book on the benefits from and necessity of urban food growing.
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Books (signed or unsigned) can usually be purchased at events Dr. Z is participating in.
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You can order print editions of the book through any bookstore since it is in worldwide distribution through Ingram and other book distributors. You may also purchase e-book, paperback and hardback editions through Amazon, Barnes & Noble and other on-line booksellers. To learn more or read a free preview, click here.