The Wonder of Autumn

The gentle turning of time’s cycles ushers in each season in a seamless and undramatic fashion. But, there is no season that is more tranquil, soothing and sublimely beautiful than autumn. Summer’s heat wanes and is replaced by a delicate…

Seasons, Revisited

This season is remaking itself, slowly and daily. After the equinox, it seems to accelerate, rushing towards summer with an impatient temperament. The stirring rubs off on me. Every year at this time, I feel a craving for travel. Some…

Gourmet and Handcrafted Foods

The most delicious, honest and truly gourmet foods are handcraft foods. What I mean by handcraft is that they are created by artisans in small batches, not mass-produced or highly processed, and made from ingredients that are locally-grown or locally-produced.…