December 2010. This is a story that is going to be told to the grandkids around a campfire. Can you explain how this object found its way to the side of the shed? It was a fine December day to…
Garden Label Grudges
APRIL 2011. Sometimes someone has a grudge against you and you will never know why. It was “Spring” and I decided to plant some squash, cucumbers and a few other things. I usually didn’t have luck growing over the…
Attracting Wildlife: Careful What You Ask For…!
OCTOBER 2011. Often, dreams end up being torn down by the very things they idolize. Once you get past the icky part of the story, you may find a profound lesson there. Several years ago, when I was dreaming grand…
A Few of the Mysterious Happenings from my Backyard…
Here you will find curious and true stories from my backyard. Although some of these strange happenings have reasonable explanations, others are beyond even the most rich imagination! Enjoy!
Friendly Chats with Strangers
I was born and raised in a region of the country that is like no other. It was settled by different ethnic immigrant groups, a century and a half ago, who created villages on the rolling prairie landscape. Because of…
The Joy of Contentment
Everyone, no matter what culture they are from or how long they have lived, has a basic need to feel content. Contentment is something that some seem to have naturally, while others appear to struggle for it throughout their lives.…
The Elegance of Patina
New objects have an effusive glow, freshness and flawlessness that have a strong allure to our innate sense of the imperfect nature of life. Because they cannot remain new for long, new things have a transient rarity. Things seem to…
A Chest Full of Memories in Resales Stores
I have found that there are few places that can stir my emotions and memories more than a resale store. Not the high-end antique stores, mind you, because the focus there is on rare and precious items that are highly…
The Wonder of Autumn
The gentle turning of time’s cycles ushers in each season in a seamless and undramatic fashion. But, there is no season that is more tranquil, soothing and sublimely beautiful than autumn. Summer’s heat wanes and is replaced by a delicate…
Seasons, Revisited
This season is remaking itself, slowly and daily. After the equinox, it seems to accelerate, rushing towards summer with an impatient temperament. The stirring rubs off on me. Every year at this time, I feel a craving for travel. Some…