With the arrival of winter weather in northern Illinois, Dr. Z completed data collection for the 2022 growing season- the 11th season of data collection for his study that measures the sustainability benefits of urban food growing. This year, he…
October 2020 Blog
What a growing season it has been here in Northern Illinois! We had a late hard freeze (temperatures in the 20s) in early May as well as snow on Mother’s Day (mid-May). Combined, these events killed the buds off of…
Dr. Z Interview Available on the Urban Farm U Podcast
Dr. Z was recently interviewed by Greg Peterson of the Urban Farm U website about his research, his award-winning book and what is coming next. Dr. Z explains from an academic perspective why urban agriculture is so essential for the future…
Considering Your Summer Options- March 2014
With the hottest part of the year approaching, the question every south Florida food gardener must ask themselves is whether they will grow over the summer or not. This is not an easy question! Although there is considerable payoff for…
Clearing the Garden of Winter’s Food Plants- March 2014
As the sun is strengthening and temperatures are rising, it’s time to clear away the remnants of the winter vegetables. This is bittersweet. We get to enjoy the work of our labor and eat a bounty of varied and fresh…
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Welcome to the NEW Just One Backyard Website format! To subscribe to the new North American Urban Food Grower’s Newsletter or the region-specific South Florida Urban Food Grower’s Newsletter, submit your e-mail in the box to the left, select which…