Treasure Coast Homesteading Meetup in Stuart, Florida at Ground Floor Farm,100 SE Martin Luther King Jr Blvd, Stuart, Florida 34994
7 pm— Swap: Share cuttings, plants, fruit, seeds, or homemade food, beverage, or body or home product
7:30- 8:30 pm
Edible Gardening – Discuss how to get started with a perennial edible garden, what and how to grow to produce the most yield including high calorie and high protein plants. Also, touch upon disease and pest management. John Zahina-Ramos, known as Dr. Z, will lead the discussion.
Practical edible gardening guidance from Dr. Z, John Zahina-Ramos, who wrote a book “Just One Backyard” based on his own home edible gardening experience. Author, scientist, and teacher, president of Casa Jardin Co., an agricultural and environmental consulting firm, and founder of
Free and open to the public.