Meet & Greet with Dr. Z at these events in December:
Saturday December 5th, 2015: A lecture on the economic and environmental benefits of urban food production by Dr. Z at the Make.Share.Do Summit at Ground Floor Farm in Stuart, Florida. The lecture will be held from 1:15 to 2:15 pm (Session C). The event will be held at 100 SE Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd, Stuart, Florida, 34994. For more information, click here.
Sunday December 6th, 2015: Dr. Z will be conducting a workshop entitled “Grown Your Own Food-From Start to Finish” at the Make.Share.Do Summit. Get the basic information needed to start your own garden or improve your growing skills. We’ll explore why you should grow your own food, soils, water, nutrients, pest management, when to plant, how to plant and what to plant. Bring your questions, stories, and disappointments, and let’s get those problems solved! The event will be held at 100 SE Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd, Stuart, Florida, 34994 from 10:30 am-1:00 pm. For more information, click here.
Monday December 7th, 2015: MARTIN COUNTY, FL MASTER GARDENER LECTURE SERIES. Quarterly library educational lectures, focusing on horticultural topics. Sustainability: You Can Make a World of Difference With Just One Backyard Food Garden! by Dr. John Zahina-Ramos. Hosted by the UF/IFAS Extension Martin County Master Gardener Program, in collaboration with the Martin County Library System. Lectures are free and open to the public. Light refreshments are provided by the UF/IFAS Extension Martin County Master Gardener Volunteers. The event is from 6:00 to 7:30 pm a the Blake Library branch of the Martin County Library System. The Blake Library is located at 2351 SE Monterey Rd., Stuart, FL. For more information, click here.